Let It Snow!

October 20th, 2015

Do you want to build a snowman throw a snowball?  That seems to be Bailey’s mantra since snow fell on the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend (October 9th to 12th).  On the Friday, the family was hiking on the trail while enjoying the sunshine and blue sky.  Bailey & MeThe temperature was hovering around 8 degrees Celsius and the ground was without snow.  Bailey and I were treated the following morning on our stroll to large, fluffy snowflakes falling from the heavens.  Bailey greeted these flakes with her mouth wide open – snapping shut when they got in her range.  Embracing the snowflakesEndless entertainment for me and a newly found water source for her.  The ground was barely covered but Bailey’s enthusiasm was hardly dampened.  She tried to stir some flakes into the air, dove for her deflated football in the snow covered grass and tried to entice me to make a snowball for her to fetch.  It is this last activity that Bailey seems to enjoy the best.  And today, she got her snowball wish.

Waiting For Her CallNot The FootballAfter returning from the walk to school with local children this morning, I decided to tackle the 3 inches of freshly fallen snow lying on the front walk and driveway.  Bailey, now off her leash, zoomed around the yard.  It is hard to remain focused on the task of snow shovelling when a very playful Newfoundland puppy is snow diving in search of treasure (the leaves that did not get raked up in time).  Bailey Playing With FootballThen, Bailey’s attention fixated on the snow flying off my scoop shovel.  Each time that I threw a shovel full, Bailey would try to pounce on the falling snow clumps.  I got the hint and started to throw the baseball size chunks onto the lawn for her to chase.  Waiting For A SnowballWe had lots of fun but, not much snow removal work got done.  I finally finished and Bailey seemed ready for her morning nap after expending oodles of energy on the white stuff.  I stomped my boots to get rid of the snow encrusting them.  Bailey shook her coat that was covered in a white dusting of snow.  Little came off so I gave her entire body a towel rub.  Bailey loves her towel rubs.  It took a lot longer than I remembered it taking me in April.  Bailey has grown from 22 pounds to being close to 100 pounds.  There is definitely more Newf which means more snow to remove from her.  No grumbles from me.  Snow shovelling is so much better when a Newfoundland puppy is around.  Let it snow!  Let it snow!Where Did The Snowball Go

P.S.  At 38 weeks, Bailey is now 44.1 kg or 97 pounds 4 ounces.

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